When you attend, you will hear the latest research, results and innovations in the design and development of system protection and control systems.
Over 200 power system protection engineers attend DPSP.
Theme: Future Networks
- New software solutions for protection systems
- Digital substations: protection aspects and architectures
- Protection implications for future networks with net zero technologies
- Impact of the energy crisis on protection technology evolution.
Theme: Protection of Networks
- DC networks and point-to-point DC links in AC networks
- High-voltage and ultra-high-voltage transmission networks
- Microgrids and islanded networks
- Impact of weather, the energy crisis and new standards on network operation and protection.
Theme: Industrial network protection
- Asset protection
- Protection-focused monitoring and diagnostics
- Load shedding and load balancing schemes
- Bus transfer schemes.
Theme: Applications
- Protection issues during black start and network restoration
- Plant and substation protection
- Protection of electric transport systems
- Human aspects in protection and control.
Who attends DPSP?