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Author information – submitting an abstract or special session

Authors wishing to present at DPSP Europe 2025 should submit either an abstract or special session proposal for consideration by the Conference’s Organising and Technical Programme Committees.

Abstracts should focus on real business case studies/scenarios, innovative tools and techniques and report on work completed or nearing final stages, or efforts that have concluded with an important outcome of interest.

Special sessions will be incorporated into the main conference programme and offer insight into new and innovative technologies and projects aligned to and/or impacting the themes of DPSP.

Please remember that this is a Protection-focused conference.

Please do not submit any sales pitches as they will be rejected. If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities please email

Successful paper authors will have their paper(s) published on the IET Digital Library and IEEE Xplore and submitted for indexing in IET Inspec, Ei Compendex and Scopus, increasing citations and influence that extends beyond the conference.

We aim for a 16-week turnaround time from the conference end date to publication, providing all authors submit the requested documentation by the deadlines provided.

The working language of the conference is English.

DPSP Europe 2025 will be in a physical format; all authors will be expected to attend the conference to present. There will be no virtual presentation options.

1. Submitting your abstract
2. Submitting your Special Session

Key dates

Abstract submission deadline 18 October 2024
Author notification 6 November 2024
Full paper submission deadline 13 January 2025
Author notification 10 February 2025
Author registration deadline TBC

Preparing your abstract

There is no abstract template; you simply need to enter your abstract information straight onto the online submission system form. Please consider using the following headings when constructing your abstract: Objectives and context, methods/approach, outcomes and conclusions.

Before submission, please have the following materials ready:

  • Your prepared abstract using Normal style text of no more than 500 words including diagrams.
  • Your preferred topic area as chosen from the conference technical scope.*
  • Abstracts must be submitted by 18 October 2024 if they are to be considered for the conference.
  • The working language of the conference is English, which will be used for all printed material, presentations and discussions.

*The technical programme committee reserve the right to change the authors' choice of topic area

Before submission, make sure that the following material is ready:

  • Your abstract title, all authors’ names and affiliations
  • Your prepared abstract of no more than 500 words
  • Your preferred topic area is chosen from the conference technical scope.*
  • Have read and agree with the Assignment of Copyright Agreement document below. You will be asked to confirm your agreement during submission.

*The committee reserves the right to change the authors' choice of topic area

Submitting your abstract

Submit your abstract

If you are submitting more than one abstract you can use the same email address and password for each abstract.

  • Enter the online submission system.
  • Enter your email address, if you are a new user the system will ask you to fill in your name and password. If you have used the system before you will just need to log in.
  • Once you are successfully logged in follow the on-screen instructions and complete all fields.

Submitting a Special Session proposal

Submit Special Session proposal

Written papers are not required, but there is the option to include a formal paper if routes to publish are desirable – special session papers will be treated in the same way as a standard DPSP paper including peer review and the aforementioned publishing and indexing.

Materials presented in the Special Sessions will not be included in the conference proceedings (unless a formal paper is submitted). Sessions will be between 45 and 120 minutes long, subject to the conference programme schedule and proposed content.

All special session proposals must be submitted here. If accepted your proposed speaker/s will be asked to submit either a full paper for publication or an abstract (depending on your preference) to be reviewed and include more detail.

The Organising Committee welcome proposals for special sessions which offer an interactive format:

Informal ‘TED Style’ talks with or without slides:

  • Full Q&A panel
  • Oxford Style Debate to include subjects debated with strong opposing views
  • Fire Side Chat – an observed conversation between a subject matter expert and interviewer
  • Workshop sessions exploring possible solutions to a presented challenge
  • Other creative or hybrid styles

Special Session proposals which include at least one of the following will be viewed favourably:

  • Significant industry or government participation or involvement in the content development
  • Industrial application-oriented
  • Collaborative cross-disciplinary topics or teams
  • Creative formats outlined above that engage the audience. They are likely to be of interest to an industry audience.

Special Sessions should avoid:

  • Established and well-documented topics
  • Straight-forward academic style lectures
  • The promotion of a particular product or service – sales pitches will be rejected
  • Incomplete plans for session development. Speakers proposed should be well informed and where possible already confirmed to participate.

Recommended Sections for Special Session proposals:

  1. Special Session title.
  2. Proposed Session Format: Describe the format being sure to outline ways in which the session will be interactive. Please also include any elements that may require additional AV, software, technical demonstration, etc.
  3. Proposed Timing: An indication of the time you anticipate requiring to deliver the session including a rough breakdown of timings in terms of duration for each speaker and/or element of the session.
  4. Session Organisers: Typically the individual(s) submitting the proposal but if different, please make this clear.
  5. Session Speakers: Please include an indication of the speakers' availability, i.e. confirmed or tentative.
  6. Session Outline/paper abstract: At first submission stage you need only list the proposed topics/titles/activities; a detailed description is not necessary.
  7. Organiser Biography: No more than 200 words for each person. External website link can be included, e.g. university or LinkedIn profile.
  8. Speaker Biography: No more than 200 words for each person. External website link can be included, e.g. university or LinkedIn profile.

What happens next…

Following the review of abstracts and special session proposals, successful authors will be invited to submit a full paper or special sessions for review by the committee.

Successful authors will be invited to attend and present their work at DPSP  Europe 2025 via PowerPoint Presentation or Poster Presentation. Successful special sessions will be presented in the chosen format.

All successful authors and special session contributors must pay the registration fee to attend the conference. An author registration covers a maximum of one paper, poster, tutorial, or special session contribution. If an author has more than one paper presented then a co-author needs to register, or the author pays for a second registration.

Each accepted paper or poster should have at least one registered author. The author must be present at the conference to present the submission or the paper will not be published.

The IET cannot meet any travelling or subsistence expenses for authors or special session contributors before or during the conference.

Thank you for your submission and good luck!

Personal data

Personal data will be processed by the Institution and its associated organisations for the purpose of organising your attendance at this event. It may also be used for the promotion of other IET products and services and for contacting you for market research purposes.

By providing us with your postal address, email address and telephone number you agree that we may contact you by these methods.

You can change this preference at any time by either contacting us by post, following the link on a received email or amending your preferences if you have a MyIET online account.

To view the IET data privacy statement and for details on how we handle your data, please visit IET Events Privacy Policy.